For us, everything starts with the quest for perfection — an expertly distilled spirit. This requires both craft and creativity. At DEKÄ«, precision flirts with expression, discipline dances with humor, and logic succumbs to intuition. DEKÄ« is where precision meets artistry.
Each of our spirits is a unique expression of its ingredients that can be enjoyed on its own or combined to create complex and exhilarating cocktails. Take our lavender gin—a seductress whose aromatics and rich hue enraptures the senses and entrances the taste buds. Our distillery is a laboratory for flavor experiences where you will discover what you never expected.
A craft spirit is a piece of art, and cocktails are no different. We encourage you to create masterpieces of your own, as individual and as wild as you like. Whether you are at the hottest spot in town or entertaining friends at home, DEKÄ« makes it easy to build a bar as limitless as your imagination.
In the end, it is what you create with a DEKÄ« spirit that truly brings it to life. Invent new creations, reinvent cocktail classics, or enjoy your favorite DEKÄ« spirits with a splash of sparkling water over ice. In whatever you do, drink artfully.
DEKÄ«. Mix things up.